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Our founder, Bishop Heber Brown, Sr. came to Newark, as pastor of Randall Chapel FWB church in 1950. In 1959, he organized and established St. Mark FWB in Newark, NJ. Within a year of existence, St. Mark purchased its present location – 669-671 So. 11th Street. Brown’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church was founded in October 1961 by Bishop Heber Brown, Sr., the late Mother Beatrice Brown and their eight children. The first service was held at the Trinity Temple Seventh Day Adventist Church, located on Hillside Ave. in the city of Newark, with forty members.
The church moved several times before purchasing its present location – Longworth Street, Bergen Street, Irvine Turner Blvd (Belmont Ave.), Hobson Street and now, 326 Chancellor Ave. Originally, this spot housed two separate buildings (one was a flower shop). Bishop Brown, Sr. envisioned a church on the hill. The buildings, along with the adjoining parking lot were purchased and paid for in less than ten years. Having a mind to work, the members made pledges to begin a series of renovations: the two buildings were joined as one, new carpet installed and pews cushioned, painting and paneling, additional bathroom, kitchen remodeled, exterior brick facing, parking lot blacktopped, roof repaired and several other projects completed.
In an effort to serve the “whole man”, the need for a richer and fuller prayer life was identified. A noon day prayer service was established in the early ‘80’s. Later, in May,1996, the Wednesday “Morning Glory” prayer circle was started in conjunction with the weekly prayer meeting.
An educational board was formed in February, 1986. Those who achieve academic and theological excellence are recognized and encouraged through this ministry.
An enrichment program was born in September, 1997. This program provided training in music, computer technology, home economics and homework assistance. The objective of this ministry was to reach out and perform a service in the community.
In order to reach the sick and shut – in, those lost without hope and the incarcerated, a tape ministry was started. This effort has not only been a blessing to others, but it served as a source of inspiration to the church family. The summer day camp served as an outreach to the youth in the community. It was designed to cultivate and stimulate their awareness of God, themselves and others.
Now that we have moved into the new millennium, Brown’s Chapel continues to strive to bring lost souls to Christ, serve God by ministering to the people and prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. After 70 years of preaching and 39 years at Brown’s Chapel, April 2000, God called our beloved founder and Pastor Bishop Heber Brown, Sr. from labor to reward. It was then that Bishop Heber Brown, II accepted the mantle to lead the Brown’s Chapel family forward. Despite a period of transition Bishop Brown, II has encouraged the church to keep the mission alive – Making Christ central. With this charge, the church has celebrated the addition of new members and candidates for baptism. Seasoned members are partnered to be a support system for new believers.
Due to the growth, the church members have pledged financial gifts to purchase 2 vans to assist with transportation weekly. Also a new fence, new roof, landscaping, a new drum set, computer upgrades and printer, renovation of the kitchen and a replacement sanctuary floor are just a few projects that the church has successfully completed in the past 8 years. Spiritually, God blessed Brown’s Chapel with an Assistant to the Pastor – Rev. Leon Porter, Sr. who works harmoniously and faithful alongside Bishop Brown, II.
The bible class and prayer meeting sessions have been revitalized, which has been a source of training and strength for the members. The Junior Church has grown and developed into the NU-Breed Ministry, of faithful young people committing to STAND OUT and live a life pleasing to God.
The Sunday School has grown to three active classes, followed by a hot breakfast every Sunday morning. Even with the work that has gone on, there are veteran members such as Bro. Herbert Jones, Sis. Dorothy Jones, Sis. Mable Faulk, Sis. Lizzie Chiles & Sis. Francine Hart who have been toiling during the 47 years, yet there is still more work to do!
Romans 12:4 - there is one body, but many members. Each one of us is a unique and important member of the body equipped with gifts and talents. The Brown’s Chapel Church family is committed to “Serve This Present Age” that we may spread the good news of Jesus Christ.